A Beginner’s Guide to a Plant-Based Diet


Adopting a whole food plant-based (WFPB) diet is one of the most powerful ways to improve your health, energy, and lifespan.

There is excellent scientific evidence showing that up to 90% of chronic diseases like Type 2 diabetes, heart disease, certain types of cancers, and other major illnesses can be prevented, controlled, and even reversed with this type of lifestyle change.

I am not a doctor, so please check with your physician before implementing any changes in your diet or lifestyle.


“Plant-based” is food that comes from plants and is free of animal ingredients like eggs, meat, and dairy.

“Whole foods” are natural foods that have not been heavily processed, are not refined, and have minimal ingredients.

One of the significant advantages of eating plant-based is that you can eat until you are full! This is one of my favorite benefits because I don’t like being hungry!

This is not a diet mentality here; this is a lifestyle change. Plant-based foods have more fiber and occupy more space, so our stomachs fill up sufficiently and help shut off the hunger signals.

Plus, you are receiving way more nutrients than the standard American diet (the SAD diet), so you are more satisfied overall and consume fewer calories, leading to a healthier weight.


The choices are truly endless! In recent years, the whole food plant-based diet has become wildly popular worldwide, and there are endless recipes and endless amounts of inspiration on the internet and in books.

VEGETABLES: cauliflower, bell peppers, carrots, broccoli, kale, radishes, celery, tomatoes, purple cabbage, lettuce…

FRUITS: bananas, mango, pineapple, citrus, strawberries, blueberries, apples, melons, berries…

WHOLE GRAINS: oats, quinoa, barley, millet…

LEGUMES: black beans, garbanzo beans, lentils, kidney beans, pinto beans…

TUBERS AND STARCHY VEGETABLES: sweet potato, potatoes, winter squash, green peas, turnips, beets…

There are plenty of other options like nuts and seeds and, my favorite, the delicious avocado! Can I get an amen!? Tofu, tempeh, whole grain flour, bread, and plant-based milk are also items you can use to add some pizazz and variety to your diet.


Some people are ready to go all in and enthusiastically embrace this lifestyle change, while others prefer to dip their toes in the water and see what they think!

When I began this journey several years ago, I fell into the first category. I had some concerning health issues that weren’t going away.

I felt crummy overall and was just tired of being tired! My birthday in 2018 was the weekend I decided to go 100% WFPB, and my life changed incredibly for the better, and I haven’t looked back!

I like to tell people that if you are healthy with no health concerns, you have more leeway with your diet.

However, going all in is best if you have a disease or health concern and would like to improve or even resolve it.

I’ve heard Dr. Joel Furhman, one of my favorite plant-based doctors, say that if you have a heroin addiction you don’t commit to giving it up during the week and then decide to take a hit only on the weekend because you “deserve” it. Heck no!

It’s the same with ultra-processed foods, sugar, and dairy. These are known to be addictive and to hijack the pleasure receptors in your brain, making it difficult to stop. It makes the idea of a “cheat day” somewhat counterintuitive!

I have found it easiest not to have those “food-like “ items in the house, especially if you want to heal. People often feel so much better quickly, which is usually enough to make them want to embrace this new health adventure with open arms!!

To begin with, I suggest immersing yourself in learning about the benefits of this lifestyle. My favorite way to do that is through documentaries and movies. There are some fantastic ones out there that I know you will enjoy!

Forks Over Knives-watch on YouTube

What The Health-watch on Amazon Prime or Youtube

The Game Changers-watch on Netflix, Amazon Prime or Youtube

I wish you the best of luck as you explore this amazing and life-changing way of eating!


Easy Steps For A Healthier You!