The Goodbye Autoimmune Disease Protocol

“ No disease that can be treated with diet should be treated by any other means.” -Maimonides.

I am not a medical doctor; the following information is for educational purposes only. Please consult with your physician before changing your diet or lifestyle.

I vividly remember the day I discovered the world of healing with food and lifestyle changes. Someone close to me had been diagnosed with something serious, and I was devastated. Being health-minded, I wondered how I could help them stay healthy during treatment.

I immediately started researching and looking for books or information on the subject. What I discovered on that day, over 15 years ago, has changed my life forever in the most beautiful way.

I was intrigued to learn that countless people heal themselves without modern medicine or in conjunction with it.

I had always thought getting cancer, diabetes, autoimmune, or any other disease was just genetics, part of aging, or just bad luck and that there was only one way to treat them; that is what mainstream medicine tells us, after all.

When I developed my own concerning health issues in 2018, I felt confident to pursue healing in this alternate way. I found some excellent resources online, and that was helpful, but a lot of trial and error went into me deciding what to eat and how to heal my body. I wished someone could have told me exactly what to do, and I would gladly have done it. I wish I would have had this protocol! You can read about my health journey on the My Story page.

I was listening to a health summit a couple of years ago, and one of the speakers was Dr. Brooke Goldner. She created the Goodbye Lupus and Goodbye Autoimmune Protocols; she shared how she had cured her Lupus over 16 years ago by adopting a whole-food, plant-based diet. She outlined exactly what she did.

Over the years, she has perfected the protocol to optimize cellular repair and immune function. She freely shares this information in the hopes that others can heal like she did. And they are! At the time of my writing this, she has personally worked with over 4000 people in her Rapid Recovery group, helping them heal countless health issues. This protocol is not specific to a particular disease or ailment; no matter what health issue you are dealing with, this protocol can help! I admire her greatly and recommend her protocol because she does not offer opinions on things she “thinks” will work. She is evidence-based and only shares what she has seen work thousands of times.

I will share her simple protocol below and then show you what that looks like in my daily life.

Some Tools to Help You in Your Journey

A high-speed blender is a game changer and well worth your investment. Smoothies are a quick and easy way to consume a large amount of veggies, and Vitamix is the gold standard and worth every penny. Your health is worth it! That being said, ANY blender you have will work, just get started!

An inexpensive kitchen scale, easily found on Amazon, will help ensure you get the correct amount of the healing foods. Weigh them out to ensure you reach 1 pound of greens/cruciferous.

A coffee grinder is needed to grind the chia and flax before you use them. This helps the omega 3’s to be more available. Grinding right before keeps them from getting oxidized and less effective. If you use a high-speed blender, grinding them beforehand is unnecessary.

Now for the nitty-gritty of the protocol!

If you are trying to reverse an autoimmune disease or other health concerns, the protocol is as follows:

-Raw food only. The protocol has been perfected after working with thousands of people, and raw high-nutrient veggies have proven to give the quickest and most predictable outcomes.

-Minimum 1 pound dark leafy greens/cruciferous. These need to be fresh, not frozen. Examples are kale, spinach, swiss chard, cabbage (all kinds), brussels sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower, arugula, etc. You can google search for a complete list of cruciferous veggies; there are many! We want to consume the highest nutrient greens possible, so lettuces are not part of the 1-pound minimum.

-1/2 cup whole chia or flax seed, ground before use. Grind right before using it to minimize oxidation of the omega 3s and to get the full benefit. You may also use flax or chia oil. 3 tbsp = 1/2 a cup of whole seeds. Make sure it is cold-pressed and refrigerated. Start slow and work your way up to avoid constipation or diarrhea.

-16oz of fresh or frozen fruit. I like frozen as it’s always available and fresh. If you up your cruciferous/greens to 24oz you can also up your fruit up to 24oz. Their official protocol says “minimal fruit,” but from what I have gathered from people in her private “Rapid Recovery” program, the above percentages is how I understand it.

-Minimum 96oz, or 3 liters of water. If you weigh over 128 lbs, aim for 1 gallon or 4 liters daily. The water you use in your smoothies counts toward your daily total.

-Unlimited avocados and raw vegetables. All raw veggies and avocados are permitted on the protocol; just make sure the required cruciferous/dark leafy greens needs are met first.

-Vitamins B12 and D3 are needed. Have your doctor order blood work to check your levels before starting to help determine the proper dosage you need.

-Iodine is also necessary—150mcg per day. If you have thyroid issues, you need 300mcg per day. Take it 1 hour before consuming cruciferous vegetables or 2 hours after for optimal absorption. Doing this will ensure that the cruciferous vegetables don’t interfere with the iodine absorption.

-3/4-1 tsp salt. You do not need to take an iodine supplement if using iodized salt.

What a typical day looks like for me…


I start my day making green smoothies containing 1 lb of cruciferous/dark leafy greens. I use an inexpensive kitchen scale to ensure I get all the healing goodness!

I have found that cruciferous veggies like broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, and brussels sprouts weigh more and get me to my 1 lb minimum cheaper than bags of spinach or greens. I still use the bags of greens but will typically use 1/2 lb of that, and then the other 1/2 lb will be the heavier cruciferous. I also have a garden that produces well in my Southern California climate, so I am blessed to get plenty of greens from my backyard for most of the winter months. I highly recommend growing some of your own food if possible!

I put the greens in the blender with 32oz of water and do a quick blend to make room for the fruit.

I add two very ripe bananas and some frozen mango, again using the scale to ensure you get the amount right. I usually put about 16oz of fruit in my smoothies. You can experiment with any fruit and see what tastes best. You want your smoothie to taste good, so you are happy to drink it! This will make two 32-oz smoothies.

If you are just starting and green smoothies aren’t your thing, I recommend starting with the mildest smoothie, which, in my opinion, is spinach, banana, and mango. If you find a smoothie combo you like, stick with it. Consistency is more important than variety.

After I’ve blended my smoothie, I put it in separate containers for the day. If it is a work day, I drink one on the way to work and keep the other in an insulated cup to enjoy either later in the day or on the way home from work. How and when you drink them is up to you!


Lunch for me is a salad that has another 1/2 lb of cruciferous. I aim for 1.5 lbs of the greens and cruciferous a day, but the listed protocol is 1 lb. It’s up to you if you want to go above that. I love red cabbage, so that has been on repeat. I add my other favorite veggies like carrots, cucumber, tomato, raw beets, broccoli, etc.

You can choose anything you like; there is so much to choose from. I sometimes add avocado and some herbs from my garden.

We are allowed 1/4 cup of olives or sauerkraut/fermented veggies. I am a fan of both, so I usually have 1/8 cup of each; I slice the olives thin so they are in more bites! If you do use sauerkraut, you want to make sure it is raw. You will find that in the refrigerated section of your health food store, or better yet, make your own!

My go-to dressing is simply flax oil and low-sugar balsamic with some salt and pepper.

If you join Dr. Brooke Goldners Facebook group Smoothie Solution, you can search the group for many protocol-compliant dressings, as well as any other questions you may have. It is a fantastic and supportive group of like-minded people, and I highly recommend joining.

How you consume your 1 lb of veggies is up to you. You could skip smoothies if that isn’t your thing and do salads. Or you could take a pound of broccoli or cauliflower, make an excellent guacamole, and eat it like that. You could do a combination of any of the above!


Dinner is usually the rest of my smoothie. As I’ve mentioned above, how and when you choose to consume all of the ingredients is up to you. Sometimes, I have all my smoothies earlier in the day and have a huge salad or plate of veggies and dip for dinner. You will find what works best as you go through your days. I try to finish dinner at least 3 hours before bed, as well as my water. This helps ensure the best sleep possible.

Omega 3’s found in flax and chia.

Omega 3’s contain potent anti-inflammatory compounds that work at a cellular level and are essential to our cell membranes. They make the cells more flexible and able to send and receive crucial messages necessary for basic functions and, even more, our healing.

The standard American diet (SAD diet) is overly high in omega-6 fats, generally found in seed oils like soybean, corn, and safflower, as well as processed foods. Until about 100 years ago, the ratio was 4:1 or less; now, the typical diet is approximately 20:1 in favor of omega 6.

The overconsumption of these omega 6 creates a massive inflammatory state, leading to various health problems. Chronic inflammation is at the root of so many issues, and adding omega 3’s can effectively reduce inflammation, allergies, and autoimmune reactions.

Many people add their omegas to their smoothies in the form of flax oil (3 tbsp=1/2 cup flax) chia seeds, or flax seeds which is great. However, the seeds can make the smoothie thicker, and I prefer a less thick smoothie. Instead, I make a chia pudding or flax dessert.

This is my favorite way to use the flax seed right now.

1/4 to 1/2 cup flax seed freshly ground in my coffee grinder. Sometimes, I mix that with a small piece of very ripe banana to make a crust-like consistency. I also added cinnamon and a teaspoon of pure vanilla to the crust; yum! Most mornings, though, I’m in a hurry and just toss my freshly ground flax over 8oz of berries and throw it in my cooler for lunch at work! It tastes a bit like a cobbler to me, and it’s like dessert after lunch!

My favorite fruit to add is organic mixed berries, but you could use cherries or whatever fruit you like. Pomegranates are in season right now, so I also added some to the top. It's delicious!

This is my chia seed pudding. It was on repeat for months and is like having dessert, so satisfying!

I cup unsweetened almond milk.

1/4 to 1/2 cup chia seeds freshly ground in the coffee grinder

8 oz frozen mixed organic berry pack from Costco

The frozen fruit sets it up pretty quickly. Otherwise, you can pop it in the fridge for a bit.

Remember that you can also use flax or chia oil. 3 tbsp = 1/2 cup of seeds. An easy way to consume the oil is to put it in your smoothie. I usually have 1/4 cup of seeds in a pudding or dessert, and the rest of my omega 3’s over my salad in the form of flax oil with some low-sugar balsamic and some salt and pepper. Easy and delicious.

Other green light ingredients…

Spices, herbs, garlic, ginger, lemons, limes, olives (not in oil) just a few, pickles, nutritional yeast, soy sauce, Braggs liquid aminos, apple cider vinegar, balsamic vinegar (with less than 2g of total sugar per serving), mustard, no sugar hot sauce, raw cacao powder, Flackers flax seed crackers (no more than one bag per day of sea salt flavor), or if you have a dehydrator you can make your own, 1 cup unsweetened almond milk, coffee (1 cup per day), herbal teas, fermented veggies (1/4 cup per day)

Red light foods while healing…

No grains, beans, tofu, nuts, dried fruit, cooked food, artificial sweeteners, protein powders, or any other foods other than those listed above. If you are not actively trying to reverse disease, you have much more leeway and should refer to my blog Easy Steps to a Healthier You for her Hypernourishing Protocol if you are just looking for ways to improve your health.

Prioritizing self-care…

You can have your diet right, eat all the right things, and still be slow to heal unless you prioritize self-care. What this looks like in my life is…

-Making sure I get adequate quality sleep.

I aim for 7-8 hours a night. The book “Why We Sleep” by Matthew Walker, PhD. is an invaluable source for why we need sleep and how to get it.

-Moving my body at least 5-6 days a week.

I enjoy walking, hiking, bouncing on my rebounder, using our elliptical machine, lifting weights, working in my garden, and gentle stretching. Find something you enjoy and be willing to give yourself grace on days when your energy may be lacking.

-Learning the best way to manage stress.

I used to be a people pleaser and struggled to say no. Mastering the ability to decline invitations or requests for my time when I didn’t feel capable has been a game changer. I know my limits now and have no problem saying NO!

I also practice proper breathing. I know; we all know how to breathe without trying, right? Well, yes, but learning the appropriate way to breathe can be a life-changing thing. It is an invaluable tool for helping to control stress and anxiety.

I already mentioned exercise above, but this is one of the most underutilized forms of stress relief!

Taking a warm bath, reading a good book, journaling, and talking with loved ones are other ways to help with stress. Find what works for you, and don’t feel guilty for taking the time to care for yourself! You can’t care for others if you are not well yourself.

Now, the fun part: time to go shopping!

I must admit that even though I am not fond of “shopping,” I love shopping for healthy food! Costco has been our go-to for many years. We save money by going there because we consume such a large amount of produce and frozen fruit. Any store will do, though!

The comments we get on our cart are a continual source of entertainment for us, too! On this particular trip, we passed a guy in produce, and he said, “You guys must be having a monkey party!”

A lady passed by and stated, “Wow, that IS a lot of bananas.”

We passed the first guy again in the next aisle, and he said, ‘You guys must be smoothie freaks or something.” We laughed and said, “Yep!!”

Two aisles down, a guy comes around the corner, talking on his phone; he glances at our cart and says, “Oh yeah, do we need bananas?” We were cracking up at this point!

We finally reached the checkout, and the lady behind us said, “I have never seen such a beautiful cart! Are you hosting a gathering?”

I explain that this is just how we eat and that it is all for us. Next, she wanted to know if we could eat it all before it spoiled. I assured her we would! She told me she was inspired and had been trying to eat healthier. Having a shopping cart full of life-giving food is always a great conversation starter.
I look forward to hearing your shopping cart stories!

P.S. If you don’t know the freezing bananas hack, let me share it with you! We buy about eight bunches of bananas at a time, allowing them to get nice, ripe, and spotty. This is when they are the sweetest. We peel them and put them in ziplock freezer bags. That way, we never run out.

Additional info…

You can find Dr. Brooke Goldner at

I highly recommend her books Goodbye Lupus and Goodbye Autoimmune Disease. They are incredible resources for healing and what diet to follow after healing. Her step-down program is outlined in Goodbye Autoimmune. They were written several years ago, and the information above differs from the books. She has refined her protocol over the years to get the fastest results possible, which is listed above.

She has a live Q&A on YouTube every Wednesday at 12:30; it is beneficial, encouraging, uplifting, and informative.

I recommend joining her Facebook group, Smoothie Shred. It is a community of like-minded people doing her various protocols. It is nice to have a support group, and it is an excellent place for inspiration and getting your questions answered.

Although I have been symptom-free for over five years and the healthiest I have ever been, I do this protocol several times a year to optimize my health because it makes me feel amazing!

My sincerest hope is that you live a long, healthy, and happy life!


Does God Care About What We Eat?


How to Make Green Smoothies