Dairy is Scary… Discover the Benefits of Dairy-Free Living

I vividly remember the day, over 25 years ago, when I learned that milk products might not be the health food they are touted to be. This information brought disbelief, skepticism, and sadness to my cheese-loving heart!

I was given a book with a picture of a woman suckling a cow on the front cover. The title was “You Are Not A Baby Cow!”

I admit that the photo repulsed me a bit, but my curiosity as a young, health-minded mother caused me to look closer to see what this was about.

We are the only species that takes breast milk from another mammal for our own consumption; think about that!

Here is what I learned that day…

Cow's milk is for a baby cow!

When a baby cow nurses from its mother, it turns a 50-lb calf into a 500-lb cow within six months.

Since dairy consumption leads to such rapid weight gain in a calf, could it be a factor in our obesity epidemic today? And what about the potential health issues associated with that? These are questions we need to consider.

From childhood, we've been ingrained with the belief that 'Milk does a body good' or' You need cow’s milk for healthy bones,’ but have we ever truly questioned these statements or examined the underlying facts?

Like human mothers and all other mammals, cows only lactate after giving birth, which means milk is full of pregnancy hormones. No, thank you!

It's important to remember that cows produce milk to nourish their babies. Drinking milk from a cow for nutrition is no more necessary than drinking breast milk from a dog, pig, sea lion, cat, etc.

The human body is impressive in that it can often adapt and use the fuel we put in it, but does that mean it is healthy for us?

Health Risks Associated With Dairy Consumption

  1. Heart Disease—Diets high in fat, particularly the saturated fat found in dairy products such as cheese, milk, ice cream, yogurt, and butter, can significantly increase the risk of heart disease, stroke, diabetes, obesity, and other serious health problems. This is a crucial point to consider when evaluating the health benefits of dairy consumption.

  2. Cancer—Scientific studies have established a link between dairy consumption and a higher risk for hormonal cancers, such as breast, ovarian, and prostate cancer. This is most likely due to increased IGF-1, or insulin-like growth factor. Being aware of these findings is crucial, as they can significantly impact our health decisions, particularly those regarding diet.

  3. Poor Bone Health- Research shows dairy products have little bone benefit. The countries that consume the least dairy, like Japan, have almost zero osteoporosis. Americans consume more cow’s milk than most populations in the world, and American women aged 50 and older have one of the highest rates of hip fractures. Unlike plant protein, animal protein increases the acid load in the body. The body does not like an acidic environment and begins to fight it using the most readily available resource: calcium. Calcium is pulled from the bones to help neutralize the acid. This causes weakening of the bones and puts them at greater risk for fractures. This is not the message we receive from the dairy industry!

  4. Asthma And Other Respiratory Problems-Studies dating back to the 50s suggest that excluding dairy products from the diet could improve asthma symptoms. However, the development of medications to treat asthma halted those studies. Hmmm, that is an interesting tidbit of info. Studies are rampant showing the benefits of dairy; however, if you investigate, you will see that the dairy industry funds them. I will share my incredible story about asthma and dairy later in the blog.

  5. Migraines- A study linking migraines to lactose intolerance identified 72% of the study group as individuals who could not absorb lactose completely. Food additives, sleep changes, alcohol, caffeine, and stress were also noted as triggers.

The Dairy Industry is a very lucrative business, and the net is about 900 billion globally, even though over 65% of the world’s population is lactose intolerant!

It would be fair to say that the dairy industry has a vested interest in making the world believe their product is valuable and necessary for human health, even though that couldn’t be further from the truth.

Bloating, gas, diarrhea, nausea, indigestion, stomach grumbling, stomach pain, low energy, frequent colds, and skin rash can all be signs of lactose intolerance. 

Plant-Based Sources Of Calcium

We have been led to believe that dairy is the best source of calcium in our diets, but research has not shown this. The following is a list of plant-based sources that many consider superior to animal-based calcium sources.

  1. Leafy greens

  2. Fortified plant milks

  3. Tofu and Tempeh

  4. Nuts and Seeds

  5. Legumes (lentils, chickpeas, beans)

  6. Certain fruits

These are considered to be superior sources because they are lower in saturated fat and cholesterol, which contributes to better heart health; they are alkaline-forming, which can help maintain the body's pH balance, which can reduce calcium loss from bones; and lastly, plant-based sources come with additional nutrients such as fiber, antioxidants, and various other vitamins which animal sources do not provide.

Asian-inspired tofu bowl with greens and vegan honey mustard dressing. Calcium rich and delicious! 

My Incredible Health Story Regarding Dairy and Asthma

My earliest memory of struggling to breathe was when I was 7 years old. It was a few days before Christmas, and I had been having difficulty getting a deep breath for most of the afternoon despite my mom giving me my inhaler and a steam treatment. My dad noticed a blue tinge to my lips. They picked me up and rushed me to the emergency room. My mom rode in the backseat with me, trying to comfort me. I remember like it was yesterday, being scared and asking her if I was going to die.

She assured me that I would be alright and that I feel much better soon. Arriving at the ER, I was taken back immediately and given oxygen and a breathing treatment. They then admitted me to the hospital, put me in an oxygen tent, and told my parents they would need to keep me overnight and possibly longer.

It was 1978, and at that time, parents could not stay with their children overnight. My mom went to the gift shop and bought me a fluffy bear to hug and help comfort me. I remember putting on a brave face, although I was very scared. I hugged my new fluffy friend tightly and tried not to cry as my parents told me goodnight and that they would return first thing in the morning.

During my almost three days there, aunts, uncles, and grandparents visited, and my stuffed animal collection grew. That was fun, but I couldn’t wait to go home!

They released me on Christmas Eve. I remember being so weak and tired but so very happy to be back home.

My struggles with asthma continued my entire childhood, with me needing to carry my inhaler at all times and many more emergency room visits, although luckily, no more overnight stays!

It did get better as an adult, but it was always there. Bronchitis was a yearly occurrence for me, leading to weeks of coughing, wheezing, and shortness of breath. Nothing would touch the coughing, which made sleeping through the night impossible. It was exhausting and extremely frustrating, affecting every aspect of my daily life.

There Is A Happy Ending To This Story!

In 2018, I experienced a health scare that had me very concerned. After extensive research, I upgraded my already healthy anti-inflammatory diet to a 100% plant-exclusive one, removing all dairy. I had been vegetarian for 30 years, but I decided to eliminate all animal products because I’d heard that eating this way could heal so many scary things!

Within two weeks, I noticed that taking a deep breath was easier, and I just felt much better overall. Cold and flu season came and went without me getting a single symptom. A whole year passed, and not a single incidence of coughing, shortness of breath, bronchitis, or illness. This was the first time in my entire life that I was not afflicted with asthma-related symptoms or a cold or flu. To say I was elated would be an understatement! Oh, and my health scare resolved itself within 6 months and has not returned! Hallelujah! And praise Jesus!

The Correlation Between Dairy And Asthma

Asthma is an inflammatory condition, and dairy has an inflammatory effect on the body. As stated above, studies dating back to the 1950s suggest that excluding dairy improves asthma, but the development of medications to treat asthma halted those studies. Hmmmm….so very interesting!

Removing dairy from my already healthy diet was the catalyst to being the healthiest I have ever been. Mainstream medicine does not believe that asthma is a “curable” condition, so I will not claim that, but I will say that it has been 100% nonexistent in my life for the past 6 years! My quality of life has improved exponentially, and my only wish is that I and my parents would have discovered this correlation years ago. My mission now is to pass along information that I found life-changing, hoping it might improve your or your child’s life!

Please don’t take my word for this; do your own research! A word to the wise, though: when doing research, ensure that the dairy industry does not sponsor the articles you read!


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