10 Amazing Benefits Of Using A Rebounder!

Fun exercise?

Isn’t that an oxymoron? We all know we should exercise for better health, but it sometimes seems daunting! While going through my training to become a certified health coach, I listened to a lecture that struck a chord with me.

We were encouraged to find a way of moving our bodies in a fun and enjoyable way. I have exercised to some extent most of my life and currently include weight-bearing exercises, HIIT, and walking into my weekly workouts, but “fun” isn’t how I would describe it! However, I genuinely love rebounding; it doesn’t feel like “exercise” and is something I consider FUN!

What is rebounding?

Rebounding is an activity performed on a rebounder or a mini-trampoline. It is a low-impact exercise that includes gentle bouncing and jumping.

Do you remember jumping on a trampoline as a kid and grinning from ear to ear? I am not exaggerating when I say that rebounding on a mini trampoline is addictively fun and has produced some pretty big grins for me! I haven’t always been the type that looks forward to exercise but that changed when I discovered rebounding over five years ago.

I was in the midst of some health challenges and was looking for a low-impact way to improve my health, and I stumbled upon rebounding. Like so many things in life, once you hear about something new and start researching it, you realize it isn’t “new” at all. That is the case here!

NASA research

In the 1980s, NASA researched effective ways to help astronauts regain bone density and muscle mass after spending time at zero gravity. They discovered that the gravitational force experienced while bouncing on a trampoline helped stimulate bone formation and prevent bone loss. This exercise is also gentle on the joints, helping to reduce injury.

Since then, much more research has been done, and rebounding has emerged as a much-loved activity with countless health benefits. I will outline 10 of them below.

Rebounding is the most efficient and effective exercise yet devised by man.
  1. Lymphatic System Support: The lymphatic system is our waste removal system. It removes cellular waste products, toxins, and debris and improves our overall detoxification. Unlike our cardiovascular system, our lymphatic system does not have a pump; it relies on muscle contractions, breathing, and body movements to propel it throughout the body. Rebounding is particularly effective at promoting lymph drainage due to its rhythmic bouncing. Lymph movement is VITAL to our health!

  2. Low-Impact Workout: Rebounding is gentle on the knees, ankles and joints. You control the height of your jump or bounce, allowing you to adjust it to your current fitness level.

  3. Stress Reduction: Releases endorphins and increases the brain's calming chemicals like serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine. It gets you out of your head and into a smile-inducing bounce; try to keep a straight face while bouncing!

  4. Improved Balance and Coordination: Bouncing requires us to use our core muscles to maintain balance. The regular use of these muscles leads to increased strength and stability. If you are just starting, it is recommended that you use a stabilizing bar. Many rebounders have the bar as an option; it is worth the investment.

  5. Weight Management: Moving our body regularly on a rebounder can be an integral part of weight management.

  6. Muscle Toning: Bouncing naturally engages every part of your body, contributing to its toning and strengthening. It is effective for toning and shaping your legs, thighs, and bum. Add in arm movements, and you’ve got a complete body workout.

  7. Increased Energy Levels: The up and down movement of rebounding increases blood circulation throughout your body, delivering oxygen to every one of your trillions of cells and providing you with a quick and incredible energy and mood boost.

  8. Bone Density: The jumps and bounces involved with rebounding put low-impact stress on the bones, promoting bone formation and density.

  9. Improved Digestion: Bouncing increases the contraction of your stomach muscles; this helps move food through your system more effectively. Aerobic exercise gets your heart rate up and increases your breathing; both stimulate the natural squeezing of your intestines. Fantastic for moving things through!

  10. It Makes Moving Your Body Fun! When we find a way to move the body in a way we enjoy, we are much more inclined to do it. You can start at your own pace and get more creative as your strength and vitality grow.

How to get started…

First things first, you need a rebounder! Just like anything else, you get what you pay for. You may be able to find a rebounder for under $100, but you will pay for it with possible injuries to your joints and back, as not all rebounders are created equal. It is essential to research and find a rebounder that suits your needs and budget.

Three rebounders I have researched

  1. Bellicon: After months of researching and watching videos, I finally purchased this rebounder. It is made in Germany using bungee cord technology and is virtually silent, which is very important to me. I saved my pennies for this baby and combined Christmas and birthday presents to get it! Different-sized mats are available, so keep that in mind when deciding what space you will use it in and how much room you would like on the mat while bouncing.

  2. Jumpsport 350 Pro: This rebounder was a strong contender and is an excellent choice. Many users whom I respect highly recommend it. It also utilizes bungee cord technology and comes in various sizes.

  3. Leaps and Rebounds: This is the most budget-friendly of the three and one I would consider. The reviews are great, and rebounding teachers recommend it as a good choice.

Take the time to do your research, and consider extras like the size of the mat, bungee strength, weight limits, and a stability bar if you think it would be beneficial for you.

How to start…

Depending on your health and fitness level when starting, you can see and feel the benefits with the most gentle and simple movement. I have known people who began by sitting on the mat and gently bouncing up and down for a few minutes daily.

There is another gentle movement called the “health bounce,” where your feet don’t need to leave the mat; you hold onto the bar if need be and gently bounce, keeping the balls of your feet on the mat and lifting your heels slightly.

The beauty of rebounding is you can start at any level and progress at the pace that works for you. I have four accounts I like to follow on YouTube for different workouts and just a change of pace. There are many accounts to choose from, but here are some ideas.

  1. Earth and Owl

  2. Fabulous 50’s

  3. Angie Fitness TV

  4. I Jump Instead

You do not need special clothing or workout wear; jump on anytime and enjoy yourself. Research has shown just 3 minutes, three times a day, can work wonders to get you on the right track to a healthier you! Have fun!!


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