Little changes, BIG results!

Sometimes knowing where to start is the hardest part. This short post will outline some super easy things you can start doing today to improve your health and energy.

Although they are tiny changes, they are mighty!

“Great adventures always begin with small steps.”

5 things you can start today…

  1. Make a green smoothie. Go to the store and buy a 1-pound container of baby spinach, a ripe bunch of bananas, frozen mango, and a bag of chia seeds. When you get home, put 1/2 of the baby spinach, 1 ripe banana, 1 cup of frozen mango, and 2 tablespoons of chia seeds in your blender with 16oz of water and blend until smooth. If green drinks scare you, have no fear; this is mild and delicious! (I never buy just one container of spinach because I want this energizing drink daily, so purchase accordingly!)

  2. Drink more water. Every process in our body needs water; when you start drinking more, everything works better. You even have more energy. When I go to bed, I take 16-32oz with me and set it on my bathroom counter so it is there when I wake up, and I can start to get in my minimum of 96oz a day. Treat yourself to a new water container you love that you can carry everywhere, and take sips as often as possible.

  3. Get more sleep. We often underestimate the power of a good night’s sleep. It is one of the cornerstones of health. I aim for 7-8 hours a night. If you have sleep troubles or would like tips for better sleep, I recommend the book Why We Sleep by Matthew Walker, Ph.D. It’s a fantastic read.

  4. 30-minute walk 3-5 times a week. Most of us can do walking, and the benefits are tremendous. It helps boost your metabolism and strengthen your joints, muscles, and bones. It’s also proven to assist with mental health. Sign me up!

  5. Practice intentional breathing. Thankfully, we don’t have to think about breathing, but often our stressful lives can cause us to take shallow breaths. This triggers our fight-or-flight response, which is great if we are in imminent danger, but that is rarely the case. Becoming more aware of your breathing habits and improving them can be transformational. Proper breathing increases oxygen to your brain and calms the nervous system. Many types of breathwork exist, but belly breathing is one of my favorites.

    Here is how to start belly breathing…

    1. Get comfortable on a chair with your feet flat on the ground. You may also lie on your back if you prefer. Using a pillow under your knees helps support your back.

    2. Relax your body. Close your eyes and focus on releasing the tension in your body, especially your neck, shoulders, and jaw.

    3. Put one hand on your chest and the other on your belly below your ribcage. This helps you to become aware of your diaphragm moving as you breathe.

    4. Take a slow, deep breath through your nose. As you inhale, let your belly push out against your hand. (Forget that nonsense about sucking it in to have a flat tummy!) Let your lungs fill deeply with air.

    5. Exhale slowly through your mouth, letting all of the air out. Notice your belly slowly sink back down. Continue this for as long as you like, taking your time and noticing how much calmer you feel. Many people find that taking two to three seconds to inhale and four to exhale feels right. Please find what works best for you. Once you become familiar with this technique, you can practice it anywhere. I am currently doing it as I type this!

Bonus tip

Immerse yourself in the world of improving your health by eating more plants and adding some lifestyle modifications. The most powerful way to do that is by seeing the success of others and realizing what is possible. I have several documentaries that inspire those who watch them, including me! They are fun and genuinely eye-opening and life-changing!

  1. The Game Changers (available on Netflix, Amazon Prime, or Youtube)

  2. What The Health (available on Netflix, Amazon Prime, or Youtube)

  3. Forks over Knives (available on Amazon Prime or Youtube)

These small actions can have the most beautiful snowball effect in your life!

Eat Better-Sleep Better

Sleep Better-Move More

Move More-Optimize Weight

Optimize weight-Optimize Health

I wish you the best as you implement these changes into your daily life. Feel free to email me with questions or if you would like to schedule a free consultation to start working with me one-on-one to help you on your health journey.


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